
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Santa's Workshop Volunteers Needed

Santa’s Workshop will be taking place this week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We need helpers to assist the children shopping and checking out:
Tuesday, December 1: 11am to 1pm
Wednesday, December 2: 11am to 1pm
Thursday, December 3: 11am to 1pm

If you can help on either of these days, for one or two hours, please contact Missy Kostner at 568-3308 or We appreciate your help in making this a success for the children.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!

Missy Kostner, Santa’s Workshop Chair and the P.I.E. Board

What is Santa’s Workshop? Santa’s Workshop will be filled with great items for the children at Bloomer Elementary to come and do some of their Christmas shopping. Whether it be for a classmate, friend or relative, we have something for everyone. The children will be allowed to come and shop during their lunch recesses.

Most items are between $1.25 and $5.00. Some items will be over $5. If your child is allowed to shop, please send your child’s money in a sealed envelope with the name on it and who they are shopping for. This event is sponsored by P.I.E.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recycle Your Cell Phones at Bloomer Elementary

Watch to learn more about why recycling our cell phones benefits the environment and our school.

The Secret Life of Cell Phones